Moors Found Guilty of Felonies? How VHS Scholars & Others Lead Us To Prison Cells and Early Graves

In a joint trial stemming from the Wakefield standoff incident on July 3, 2021, Jamhal Tavon Sanders Latimer (a.k.a. Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey) and Steven Anthony Perez were both found guilty of multiple felony charges according to recent reports.

Rise of the Moors Found Guilty and Suspicious Acts

Patch reported that “Latimer was found guilty of unlawful possession of a large-capacity weapon, unlawful possession of a large-capacity feeding device, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of a shotgun or rifle, improper storage of a rifle or shotgun near a minor, use or wearing body armor during a felony, and unlawful possession of ammunition.” Whereas “Perez was found guilty of unlawful possession of a firearm and use or wearing body armor during a felony.”

Sentencing for both Moors is currently scheduled for July 16, 2024.

Rise of the Moors Found Guilty of Felonies. Probable Cause Narrative.

Other sources have reported that the guilty verdict was not read publicly, but the case docket was updated to reflect the verdict instead. Additionally, the online court records for Perez are alleged to have mysteriously disappeared from the Middlesex Superior Court’s database portal. Although the reasons for the removal of the records and the decision to not read the verdict publicly are still unknown, some have speculated that it’s likely due to some request made by the Defendants or some other kind of deal.

At least three other Moors from the militia were reported to have taken plea deals prior to this case. These include Aaron Lamont Johnson (a.k.a. Tarrif Sharif Bey), Wilfredo Hernandez (a.k.a. Will Musa), and Quinn Cumberlander (a.k.a. Quinn Khabir El). Information about the minor who was involved in the incident has been protected by applicable statutes. This verdict, however, has set the stage for the likely outcome of any other cases of militia members that make it to trial.

Thankfully, when the militia was preparing to make the fateful trip for training back in May of 2021, I chose to not partake as it was evident the Interim-Special Committee (ISC) was not properly organized enough to make such a bold move. In response to a call to action made by Jamhal and others, I declared “I’m neither available, able, nor interested in traveling cross country for training at this stage of organization.”

Jurisdiction Confusion – The Road to Prison and an Early Grave

Thanks to the false teachings and misconceptions of the so-called “civic Moors” and VHS scholars, many American citizens are misled into believing that (1) the United States doesn’t have jurisdiction over them, (2) the laws of the federal and state governments don’t apply to them, and (3) they – as individual Moors – are the government of the Moroccan Empire, separate from the U.S. while still utilizing U.S. passports, driver’s licenses, and receiving other benefits. These beliefs, which completely contradict the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of America (M.S.T.A.) that he founded, are being espoused by some so-called Grand Sheiks of alleged M.S.T.A. temples and others.

Vice News - Moorish Nation portrayed as "sovereign citizens" in government lectures.
Screenshot image sourced from Vice News.

During the bond hearing in which Jamhal was granted bail in 2022, it was revealed that he had been receiving regular benefits from the U.S. government for his service in the Marines. A fact that he’s kept secret while telling Moors the U.S. “don’t have jurisdiction”. Considering his statements during the standoff about “our two countries”, it’s apparent that he believed that he was in a separate jurisdiction from the United States. But it makes one wonder, if you’re not a U.S. Citizen, why continue to receive benefits given to U.S. Citizens? Is this another case of Moors who want to have their cake and eat it too?

In October of last year, I made a video detailing the case of some unscrupulous Moors in Milwaukee who were reported to have “invented [a] fake country to scam [the] U.S. out of Covid funds”. The Moors, who include Aziz Hassan Bey, Letez Osiris Bey, Minister Zakar Ali, and Divine-Seven El, were convicted of multiple felonies in a “conspiracy to attempt to obtain over $9.5 million in loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA) and private lenders”. Instead of “uplifting fallen humanity”, these Moors chose to purchase fancy cars and jewelry with their ill-gotten gains.

A more recent and unfortunately deadly case was that of Kmac El Bey, a 26-year-old Moorish man who allegedly shot several Polk County policy enforcement agents in a “shootout” on April 27th of this year. From what I gathered during my research at the time, it appears that this promising young man attempted some kind of failed process to keep his house and was subsequently evicted like so many others. Since then, he had been living out of his car until that fateful night.

How many more Moors will succumb to the confusion before realizing the truth about the Pathways to Earthly Salvation? Noble Drew Ali chose the path of least resistance for a reason. Unless you intend to unite with people in your territory and establish a separate state with a functional government, then it’s best to stick with the path that was paved by Noble Drew Ali. As it’s evident by the current trend in the Moorish community, taking action in a state of ignorance or confusion about jurisdiction can lead to very serious consequences. Study, study, study. Don’t allow your own people to lead you back into slavery.

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