Incompetence or Betrayal? Rise of the Moors Fall-Out Amid Suspicion Of Agent Provocateurs And An Alleged False Flag Operation (Wakefield Standoff)

In July, I reposted an article that I wrote last year entitled “How To Identify COINTELPRO Agents“. Although it was initially written as a result of my encounters with suspected agents, I reposted it on a whim with the expectation that said agents would come out of hiding when a certain Moor was released from captivity. Sure enough, when the news broke that the Moor was granted bail, one of the suspected agents who had been in hiding for many months suddenly came back online. That same suspect was allegedly observed participating in the fake inauguration ceremony of a well known con artist in Chicago – more on this later.

While it’s no secret that there is always a Judas in our midst, seeking any opportunity to undermine our progress, it comes as a shock – at least to this author – that a man whom so many devoted followers believe to be akin to the “Black Messiah” would turn out to be Judas himself. However, in light of recently released information about the suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident at Wakefield, Massachusetts and the questionable actions of some Rise of the Moors members throughout the fourteen months since, there’s been increased scrutiny within the Moorish community as some Moors allege that Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey [ex rel. JAMHAL TAVON LATIMER] is an agent.

These allegations are especially concerning to me because I publicly defended the brother’s integrity.

I’ve even gone as far as compiling, editing, and transcribing various videos of the alleged standoff at the detriment of my own physical health. Nevertheless, while this may all just be one big misunderstanding, these new allegations cannot be ignored. As I told the suspected agents last year, “I am loyal to principles, not people.” Anyone who violates my principles will receive no further support from me. In contrast, there are Moors who are quick to call people agents for simply disagreeing with or questioning them. At least one is closely connected to the events discussed in this article.

So what really happened on July 3, 2021 at Wakefield, Massachusetts?

In the video below, Quinn Khabir El [ex rel. Quinn Cumberlander] – one of the Moorish militia members – speaks for about 55 minutes in which he details the events leading up to, during, and after the Wakefield “Standoff” incident. He revealed the plan of action, devised by Jamhal, that was to take place in the event that they – the militia – were pulled over by policy enforcers. Quinn also alleged that the gas tank of the leading vehicle, in which Jamhal and Tarrif Sharif Bey were traveling, only contained a quarter tank of gas before they set out on their interstate journey. Most concerning are the details regarding how the leading vehicle abruptly decelerated to pull over very shortly after passing a state trooper, prompting the trailing vehicle to slam on the breaks to avoid a collision in clear view of said trooper. Less than a minute later, the state trooper pulled up behind the trailing vehicle to see if the occupants needed assistance.

It’s worth noting that when the incident was first being reported by Moors, it was claimed that Jamhal was not armed during the first encounter with the state trooper. Even I supported this assertion at the time without any concrete evidence. However, based on the full [police] body cam video, it appears that both Jamhal and who appears to be Tarrif initially approached the trooper while armed with rifles. Although the former was relatively calm with his rifle at his side, the latter was visibly anxious and fidgeting about with his rifle in hand as if he was either on edge or ready for a firefight. Outmanned, outgunned, and uncertain of the Moors’ intent, it’s comprehensible that the trooper retreated to his patrol car to call for backup very shortly after the first encounter.

Additionally, it was alleged that after Jamhal and Jamil Rasul Bey [ex rel. LAMAR DOW] were carried away in an ambulance, Quinn – who was seated in a patrol car at the time – overheard someone on the officer’s radio saying “the two agents on the scene are okay.”

Further causing confusion and concerns more recently are the alleged statements made by Julisa Amurra Adonay El [ex rel. JULISA GODBOUT], wife of Jamhal. According to Quinn Khabir El, Julisa allegedly said:

“I think you should get an attorney, but don’t tell anybody because I don’t want anybody to think I’m an agent.”

Julisa Amurra Adonay El

Aside from the obvious, one point of interest is that Jamhal and others have repeatedly spoken out in opposition to Moors using “attorneys” as they are “officers of the court” whose primary duty is to “turn over” people to the court. It’s well known in the Moorish community – not affiliated with the Moorish Science Temple of America – that having an attorney is a bad idea and a sign of incompetence. So it’s rather shocking to discover that Jamhal has not only retained an attorney [an Albion] to speak on his behalf, but has allegedly encouraged other Moors – through his wife Julisa – to retain attorneys as well. Based solely on the alleged dialogue, this encouragement was supposed to be kept secret for fear of Moors suspecting the messenger as being a COINTELPRO agent.

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Luke 12:2-3

Is this a matter of incompetence or betrayal? Is Jamhal an agent? Were the Moors led into a trap? Or were they the victims of continued colonial oppression? You decide, but until these allegations are publicly refuted, I cannot make any judgements. In the Oral Statements and Prophecies by Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet is alleged to have said “I am going to make the European enforce my law.” How many Moors have been arrested in recent years by Europeans? Are they enforcing the Prophet’s law?

While I have my suspicions about various people within the Moorish movement, especially those who actively seek power and positions of leadership, I won’t speak definitively on anyone in particular at this time. It’s my hope that we all learn valuable lessons from this and move wisely in the future. The last thing you want is to reach the end of your journey in this life only to realize that YOU were on the road a few feet below; that YOU are among the ones who THINK they are on the same road with the true Moors. Worst of all, that YOU allowed yourself to be led down that road by incompetent Moors and/or COINTELPRO agents.

The Prophet said he would leave the Europeans here long enough to teach us how to run a government. I give honors to the Moors who are working hard to establish state governments – reclaiming the trust territories that the colonizers have been managing as trustees. In time, these state governments will collectively establish a national government and resurrect the Moroccan Empire. Ultimately accomplishing the objective that the Moors set out to do last year.

This movement is for strong men and women who are upright, independent and fearless. Those who cower in the face of adversity, hide their identity at the thought of being scrutinized, or flee from their duties when things don’t go their way ought not waste what little strength they possess to stand beside us on this journey to true freedom. As for the cowards who seek positions of power, there is a list of undesirable Moors being prepared and your names are on it. Move wisely.

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