“They Came Before Columbus” by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima – An Essential Book For All Moorish Students

“They Came Before Columbus” is a book written by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, an Afro-Guyanese historian, linguist, and anthropologist. The book presents evidence of pre-Columbian transatlantic contact between the peoples of Africa and the Americas.

Dissertation of “They Came Before Columbus” by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

They Came Before Columbus by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima - Book Cover
Book Cover

Dr. Van Sertima’s research focuses on the ancient civilization of the Olmecs, who lived in present-day Mexico from 1400 BCE to 400 BCE. He argues that the Olmecs were of African origin and that their civilization had significant contact with Africa. This is supported by the presence of African motifs and symbols in Olmec art, as well as the similarities between Olmec and West African religious practices.

The author also presents evidence of contact between the ancient Egyptians and the peoples of the Americas. He cites similarities in architectural styles, as well as the presence of Egyptian hieroglyphs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican writing systems. Additionally, Dr. Van Sertima points to the presence of common plants, such as the okra, in both ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian America, as evidence of transatlantic exchange.

Dr. Van Sertima also examines the accounts of ancient Greek and Roman writers, who described encounters with “Ethiopians” and “black people” in the Americas. He argues that these accounts were not myths, but rather based on real encounters with African explorers.

In addition to presenting evidence of pre-Columbian transatlantic contact, “They Came Before Columbus” also critiques the traditional narrative of European discovery and colonization of the Americas. Dr. Van Sertima argues that the contributions and influences of non-Europeans have been largely ignored or dismissed by mainstream historians.

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

The book received mixed reviews upon its initial publication in 1976, with critics praising the author’s research and evidence presented but criticizing the author’s interpretations and conclusions. Some argued that the author’s interpretation of the Olmecs as being of African origin was not supported by the available evidence. Others praised the book for challenging the traditional narrative of European discovery and highlighting the contributions of non-European cultures to the Americas.

Overall, “They Came Before Columbus” offers a unique perspective on the history of pre-Columbian America, arguing for the presence of transatlantic contact and influence from African cultures. It challenges traditional historical narratives and encourages further research into the contributions of non-European cultures to the Americas.

If you would like to obtain this comprehensive book, visit The Journal of African Civilizations’ official website to purchase it. Additionally, you can learn more about Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and his other great works. Continue your studies with other book summaries by Hakeem Bey.

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