Moors Found Guilty of Felonies? How VHS Scholars & Others Lead Us To Prison Cells and Early Graves

In a joint trial stemming from the Wakefield standoff incident on July 3, 2021, Jamhal Tavon Sanders Latimer (a.k.a. Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey) and Steven Anthony Perez were both found guilty of multiple felony charges according to recent reports. Rise of the Moors Found Guilty and Suspicious Acts Patch reported that “Latimer was found guilty …

Transgressors and Accountability – 100 Facts About My Quest for Justice Against Dirty Moors

This article contains many hard truths that some weak minds may find offensive. Discretion is advised. Is it possible to get justice against dirty Moors? Exactly one year ago today, Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey – founder of the Rise of the Moors organization – made a livestreamed video in which he falsely accused me of …

A Sincere Apology

As I’m sure most readers are aware by now, there was an incident last December in which I was falsely accused of slandering Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey, founder of the Rise of the Moors organization. Although initially giving my accusers the opportunity to resolve the matter, it remained unresolved until recently – thanks to the …

Moorish Governments - Flags

Moorish Governments: Infrastructure To Enact Law & Order – 100 Facts Slanderers Won’t Acknowledge

NOTE: This article contains links to access information that give context to the various subject matters. Love it or hate it, Moorish governments seem to be a hot topic nowadays. It’s come to my attention that certain Moors have recently alleged that “we don’t have the infrastructure to enact law and order.” They continued by …

Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey is an agent?

Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey is an Agent???

Is Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey an agent? Some Moors still seem to think so. But wait… When I first reported the news of the suspicion of agent provocateurs during the Wakefield standoff, I clearly stated “there’s been increased scrutiny within the Moorish community as some Moors allege that Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey [ex rel. JAMHAL TAVON …

Incompetence or Betrayal? Rise of the Moors Fall-Out Amid Suspicion Of Agent Provocateurs And An Alleged False Flag Operation (Wakefield Standoff)

In July, I reposted an article that I wrote last year entitled “How To Identify COINTELPRO Agents“. Although it was initially written as a result of my encounters with suspected agents, I reposted it on a whim with the expectation that said agents would come out of hiding when a certain Moor was released from …