Moors Found Guilty of Felonies? How VHS Scholars & Others Lead Us To Prison Cells and Early Graves

In a joint trial stemming from the Wakefield standoff incident on July 3, 2021, Jamhal Tavon Sanders Latimer (a.k.a. Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey) and Steven Anthony Perez were both found guilty of multiple felony charges according to recent reports. Rise of the Moors Found Guilty and Suspicious Acts Patch reported that “Latimer was found guilty …

Book Summary: The Story of The Moors After Spain by Stanley Lane-Poole

“The Story of the Moors After Spain” is a historical study of the Moorish people who inhabited Spain from the 8th to the 15th centuries. Written by Stanley Lane Poole, the book explores the impact of the Moors on Spain and their legacy after their eventual decline and departure from the region. Summary: The Story …

Incompetence or Betrayal? Rise of the Moors Fall-Out Amid Suspicion Of Agent Provocateurs And An Alleged False Flag Operation (Wakefield Standoff)

In July, I reposted an article that I wrote last year entitled “How To Identify COINTELPRO Agents“. Although it was initially written as a result of my encounters with suspected agents, I reposted it on a whim with the expectation that said agents would come out of hiding when a certain Moor was released from …

Rami Salam El on the Sabir Bey Show March 18, 2022

A Befuddled Rami Salam El’s Indignant Retreat From The Sabir Bey Show Reveals Some Underlying Issues Preventing Moorish Unity

On March 18, 2022, a heated debate ensued between Rami Salam El and panelists on the Sabir Bey show regarding the usage of the title “Grand Sheik” as it pertains to Taj Tarik Bey. Rami Salam El on the Sabir Bey Show At the 30:31 mark, Rami Salam El, a former self-proclaimed “Grand Sheik” and …