The Sovereign Individual by William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson

The Sovereign Individual by William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson is a book that has attracted significant attention and controversy since its publication in 1997. The authors present a bold and sweeping vision of the future, one in which the traditional nation-state is replaced by a world of sovereign individuals, empowered by digital technology and …

Book Summary: The Revelation of Law in Scripture by Patrick Fairbairn

In his work “The Revelation of Law in Scripture,” Patrick Fairbairn examines the concept of law within the context of Christianity and its relationship to the revelation of God in scripture. Dissertation of The Revelation of Law in Scripture by Patrick Fairbairn Fairbairn begins by discussing the various forms of law that are present in …

Zodiac Constitution - Moorish Rudder and Sextant

The Moorish Rudder and Sextant – PDF, Text And Audiobook Read By Hakeem Bey

The Moorish Rudder and Sextant outlines the structure of Moorish government in accordance with Moorish Science. It’s highly recommended that all Moors / Moslems are aware of the contents of this concise book. I’ve taken the liberty to create an audiobook to allow for easier consumption of the knowledge it contains. Additionally, I’ve drafted a …

Berkeley Anthropology Deception and Genetic Mediation of “African Americans” In The Past Few Hundred Years

The amount of jewels in this audiobook is astounding. This is just one. “In 1987 the Berkeley team led by the late Alan Wilson did an analysis of mitochondrial DNA from 147 individuals. And declared that the rise of anatomically modern humans occurred in Africa within the last 140,000 years, and that all present day …