A Writer’s Dream – The AI Tool That Writes Like A Pro

As a writer who has authored over a dozen poems and short stories – most of which are still unpublished – I generally find inspiration from my current studies, life experiences or vivid dreams. In all cases, deep introspection is required to mold each thought into meaningful words. This process is often very time consuming, especially when making an initial draft that complies with the established grammatical rules of the English language that online communities scoffingly ignore to the detriment of my nerve cells.

While some people can easily write about any topic, writing without such inspirations is increasingly difficult for me as I age. It took a while to acknowledge this flaw, but I’m more suited for improving the writings of others when it comes to topics I’m not interested in. If you’re a student or professional writer with a similar or more severe writer’s block, this AI tool may be the solution you need.

OpenAi’s InstructGPT language model is trained to follow user instructions, generating helpful outputs in response. Like its predecessor GPT-3, InstructGPT can perform natural language tasks using carefully engineered text prompts. Unlike its predecessor, however, it’s much better at following instructions and more factually accurate.

What does this mean for you as a writer?

Using this AI tool, you can easily create an initial rough draft of a story, poem, essay, or any other form of writing with little effort. Simply tell the AI what to write about and watch as the results are written in mere seconds. For example, you can instruct it to “write ten facts about Area 51” and receive a result similar to the following:

Or, you can instruct it to “write five paragraphs about peanuts” or something similar.

These results generally provide a solid base on which you may build your written work, making whatever modifications you deem necessary. This AI is by no means perfect as it’s still a developing technology, but I’m confident that it will change the way humans learn and create by understanding our intent. Learn more about this by watching the following video.

Want something a bit more visual?

In addition to InstructGPT, OpenAI also features other useful AI tools like DALL-E 2, a system that creates realistic images and art from a description in natural language. Meaning, if you want an image of teddy bears shopping for groceries in ancient Egypt, the AI will make it for you.

OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 generates image of teddy bears shopping for groceries in ancient Egypt

Learn more about these AI tools and others at OpenAI. If you found this article helpful and would like to support this platform, consider sharing it or making a small donation today.

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